Looking for a luxury hotel nearby Grimaud with all the services and amenities of a luxury hotel, where you can spend your next vacations, a romantic weekend getaway or for a business trip. Our luxury hotel will meet your needs. Many of our rooms and suites have air conditioning, separate toilets, one or more televisions, high standard bedding and a balcony or a private terrace that will allow you to enjoy the sea view or a relaxing garden view. Our gourmet restaurant offers fine dining in any season. We also offer a closed secure parking for your vehicle.
Grimaud is a medieval village located in the heart of the Maures Mountains. When going down to the sea, you will discover Port Grimaud and its canals. Grimaud each year attracts thousands of tourists; its proximity to Saint Tropez contributes to its success. If you are looking for a 3 star hotel near Grimaud, the charming Hotel Escapade will seduce you as it is 40 minutes from Port Grimaud.